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TO HIS MISSION {grace leads series} – Ben Miller

By February 20, 2023February 24th, 2023Mondays, Uncategorized

Jesus knew what His mission was on this earth and invites us into that same work.  Our God is painting a beautiful picture of redemption and has handed us the paintbrush to paint with Him.


(Rev 21:2-5a, Luke 19:10, Jn 10:10, Jn 8:31-32, Mk 10:45, Jn 18:37, Jn 6:38, Jn 12:46, Mk 2:17, Rom 12:1, 2 Cor 5:17, I Cor 13:12, James 1:17, Matt 6:10, Ps 107:2-3, Rom 12:1, Rom 8:28, Eph 4:1)